“It is not only on this day, but I always remember them. So this kind of celebration of a ‘particular day’ is not really special” – have you heard of some people telling something similar to this?! I have heard many! In fact I too have used similar statement whenever I failed to celebrate this day! But it is not really true and is only a justification for our inability to celebrate the day.
“A guru is someone who takes us from darkness towards light” is an age old anecdote about gurus. It is true too. But has the role of a guru remained same even in the present times? Certainly not! In this age of Information Technology, there are so many modes of learning. They have proved effective too. Some of the psychological studies show that the understanding of the concept is good when the student learns with proper visual effects along with auditory inputs. It is not possible to explain all concepts with visual effects on a blackboard. So then, is computer aided learning proving better than learning with the aid of a simple blackboard (whiteboard for that matter)? Yes of course. Then what is the role of a teacher?
A teacher is someone who moulds his student to be humane, someone who breaks the conceit of the students so that the minds of the students are open to acquire more and more knowledge. She/He is one who motivates the students to work hard towards to attain their goals. She/He instils love and affection within his/her students. He is the one who warns the students when they go into wrong path and brings them back to right path. He is one who gives a sense of security when his students fail to achieve something that he/she had aspired for. He is the best friend for his students and share their joys and sorrows! If all these things are instilled within an individual, then the process of quality learning by his/her students takes place spontaneously. It is only when knowledge (Intelligence Quotient) is accompanied with the affective component (Emotional Quotient), a teacher can influence the students and make a mark in their life.
If you check your memory, the teachers whom you remember first are the ones who have the above mentioned qualities. Teaching is not just lecturing on the topics given in the syllabus but it is much more than that. It is showing the students the right path. If teacher himself/herself is not motivated to acquire more and more knowledge, if they themselves are egoistic then they can’t become good teachers. Therefore teaching is not a job but much more than that. Thanks to Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan for recognising this day as the Teacher’s Day. The celebration of Teachers’ day becomes more meaningful when we remember our teachers and respect their contribution in building our personality and following the guidelines they gave us and going in the right direction.